Local Democratic leaders denounced the resolution, arguing that it discriminates against the rights of LGBTQ Americans and distracts from more pressing issues facing Michigan residents. ????? ???????
constitutional protections
In a press release, he added: "The new resolution urges the preservation of the sanctity of marriage and constitutional protections that ensure freedom of conscience for all Michigan residents.” ????????????
Michigan Christians
“Michigan Christians follow Christ's definition of marriage as a covenant between a man and a woman, an institution established to glorify God and produce children,” said Schriver. ?????
In Michigan
In Michigan, state Rep. Josh Schriver unveiled his own anti-gay marriage resolution on Feb. 25, arguing that restrictions on gay marriage are important to “preserve and grow our human race,” he said at a press conference announcing the resolution. ????? ???????
A 2024 Gallup
A 2024 Gallup poll found that 69% of Americans continue to believe that marriage between same-sex couples should be legal, and 64% say gay or lesbian relations are morally acceptable. ????????????